Public Institute of Krka National Park realised project Training for search team leaders – Team leader as a part of a broader project entitled Unknown Krka: hidden treasures in the upper and middle court of the Krka River (KK, co-financed in the Operative programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014 – 2020. The training was held 12 and 13 June 2020 (16 hours of lectures and 2 hours of exercises) at the Visitor Centre in Laškovica. Participants were introduced to the procedures and ways of acting in cases of searches (Team leader) and trained to understand all aspects of search actions. With the confirmation of the acquired knowledge, the participants received a Certificate for passed training Team leader in searches.
The training program consisted of:
1. General information about searches and the role of HGSS in demand actions
2. Understanding the course of the search action
3. Understanding the role of team leader
4. Understanding the handling of clues and evidence
5. Understanding the role of briefing and debriefing
6. Understanding the basics of missing person search methodology
7. Knowledge of search tactics
8. Work with communication equipment
9. Working with a GPS device