20.08.2021, 11:54h
Krka NP is continually working to design, invest and implement measures to prevent forest fires to protect this highest category nature monument; since 2015, a total of HRK 2,324,000 has been paid out to volunteer fire-fighting societies
Fire protection is one of the key determinants of the Ordinance on the protection and conservation of Krka National Park, and is also contained within all other strategic documents that govern the operations of the Public Institute of Krka National Park. Therefore, measures and preparatory activities for the prevention and active protection of forest fire are carried out every year.
Every year, contracts on cooperation for the fire season are signed with the representatives of the volunteer fire-fighting societies Skradin, Dubravice, Sv. Juraj, Ervenik, Promina and Drniš. In the period from 2015 to 2020, a total of HRK 2,324,000 has been paid out to these societies. After a joint meeting held in June 2021, new contracts for the new fire season were drawn up, and signed with the fire-fighting societies, and funds for the 2021 season paid out, with the exception of the society Drniš which did not accept the offered terms. The planned funds are still available to the Drniš society if they consent to signing the contract.
In the 2019 fire season, a total of HRK 566,900 was paid out to volunteer fire-fighting societies, which was a 10% increase over the amount contracted for 2019. Due to a drop in revenues of the Public Institute of Krka National Park caused by the pandemic, all contracts for the 2020 season were reduced by the percentage of reduced revenues, while for the 2021 fire season, contracted amounts were increased by the percentage increase of revenues in relation to the year before. The president of the Drniš society did not accept the offered terms, claiming that the allocated funds, aligned with the Institute’s revenues, did not meet their needs. An increase has already been agreed to with the societies for the 2022 season, in accordance with the increased revenues in the current year.
The Public Institute of Krka National Park is especially concerned with fire protection, managed by the Department for Fire Protection and Occupational Safety in the Technical Services Sector. Every year, a Program of activities for special fire protection measures, Plan for the observation and notification service, and Plan of observation, protection and patrolling are passed, prescribing in detail all fire protection measures in the field, with a special emphasis on the period from 1 June to 1 October. As part of the activities laid out in those plans, fire protection roads are maintained, low-lying vegetation removed and grass mowed, hiking trails are maintained and all fire extinguishers are attested. During the fire season, the specially organised observation and notification service is active, with mobile observation patrols also in place at night.
In 2018, a new fire truck was purchased with a water capacity of 3000 litres, lighting bar with LED lights and a hydraulic crane. This vehicle is an important contribution to the fire protection service in Krka National Park, and also a welcome aid for the official fire services and volunteer fire-fighting societies in the settlements around the park. Since 2016, a pick-up truck with high-pressure 300 litre fire-fighting module has also been in use.
An important part of fire protection is keeping all hiking trails maintained. Most of these were old trails used by the local population to reach their properties and the water. In addition to creating added value in the visitation system of the national park, cleaning these trails, which were overgrown by thickets and macchia, also contributes to the fire protection system. To that aim, a project has been initiated to restore the rocky grasslands in order to revitalise habitats (and prevent succession), while also providing protection from wildfire.
The assistance of the official fire-fighting services and volunteer fire-fighting societies in the settlements around the park is of essential importance to the park. We would like to thank all fire-fighters for their selfless contribution and support to the Institute, that is always in line with realistic possibilities.